Areas of Interest

Sensory Marketing

Elder, Ryan and Aradhna Krishna (2022), “A Review of Sensory Imagery for Consumer Psychology”Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming.

Krishna, Aradhna and Ryan Elder (2021), “A Review of the Cognitive and Sensory Cues Impacting Taste Perceptions and Consumption”Consumer Psychology Review (an annual publication from the Society for Consumer Psychology).

Scekic, Ana and Aradhna Krishna (2021), “Do Firm Cues Impact Product Perceptions? When Small is Natural”, forthcoming, Journal of Consumer Psychology

Ackerman, Josh, Jenna Goesling and Aradhna Krishna, “Pain scales as placebos: Can pain scales change reported pain across measurements?”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88, 103961.

Cian, Luca, Chiara Longoni and Aradhna Krishna (2020), “Advertising a Desired Change: When Process Simulation Fosters (vs. Hinders) Credibility and Persuasion”, forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research.

Lowe, Michael, Kate Loveland and Aradhna Krishna (2019), A Quiet Disquiet: Anxiety and Risk Avoidance due to Nonconscious Auditory Priming”, Journal of Consumer Research, June, Vol 46, No. 1, pp. 159-179.

Krishna and Aydinoglu (2019), The Power of Consumption Imagery in Communicating Retail-Store Deals, Journal of Retailing, December, 95(4), 116-127.

Cornil, Yann, Pierre Chandon, and Aradhna Krishna (2017), “Does Red Bull give wings to vodka? Placebo effects of marketing labels on perceived intoxication and risky attitudes and behaviors,Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 456-465​.

Krishna, Aradhna, Luca Cian and Nilufer Aydinoglu (2017), “Sensory Aspects of Package Design”, Journal of Retailing, March, vol. 93, no. 1, 43-54.

Krishna, A., Lee, S. W., Li, X., & Schwarz, N. (2017). Embodied cognition, sensory marketing, and the conceptualization of consumers’ judgment and decision processes: introduction to the issue. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2(4), 377-381. (not refereed)

Shen, Hao, Meng Zhang and Aradhna Krishna (2016), “Computer Interfaces and the “Direct-Touch” Effect: Can iPads Increase the Choice of Hedonic Food?”Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (5), 745-758.

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Norbert Schwarz (2016), “Positioning Rationality and Emotion: Rationality Is Up and Emotion Is Down”Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (4), 632-651.

Krishna, Aradhna, Luca Cian, and Tatiana Sokolova (2016), “The Power of Sensory Marketing in Advertising”, Current Opinion in Psychology, 10 (August), 142-147.

Krishna, Aradhna (2015), “A Commentary on “The Senses in Anthropological and Marketing Research: Investigating a Consumer-Brand Ritual Holistically”, Journal of Business Anthropology, 4(1): 31-35, Spring.

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Ryan Elder (2015), “A Sign of Things to Come: Behavioral Change through Dynamic Iconography”Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (April), 2015.

Eda Sayin, Aradhna Krishna, Caroline Ardelet, Gwenaëlle Briand Decré, Alain Goudey (2015), “Sound and safe”: The effect of ambient sound on the perceived safety of public spaces“, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32 (4), 343-353.

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Ryan Elder (2014), “This Logo Moves Me: Dynamic Imagery from Static Images”Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (2), 184-197. 
(Cited in HispanicAd, March 22, 2014, HighBeam research, March 6, 2014,, March 6, 2014,, March 6, 2014.)

Krishna, Aradhna and Norbert Schwarz (2014), “Sensory Marketing, Embodiment, and Grounded Cognition: Implications for Consumer Behavior”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24 (2), 158-298.

Krishna, Aradhna, Maureen Morrin and Eda Sayin (2014), “Smellizing Cookies and Salivating:  A Focus on Olfactory Imagery”Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (1), 18-34.
(Cited in The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily, April 9, 2014, Michigan Radio, March 11, 2014, Michigan Radio interview, March 11, 2014, The StarPhoenix, March 4, 2014,, March 3, 2014, Samachar, March 1, 2014, Daily India Mail, March 1, 2014, The Hindu, February 21, 2014, Chicago Tribune, February 20, 2014,The New Indian Express, February 20, 2014.)

Biswas, Dipayan, Courtney Szocs, Aradhna Krishna and Donald Lehmann (2014), “Something to Chew on: The Effects of Oral Haptics on Mastication, Orosensory Perception, and Calorie Estimation”, Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (2), 261-273. 
(Cited in Financial Times, April 16, 2014, Business Standards,  April 16, 2014, Extension, March 25, 2014.)

Krishna, Aradhna (2012), “An integrative review of sensory marketing: Engaging the senses to affect perception, judgment and behavior”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (3), 332-351. (Most downloaded article JCP 2013 and 2014; second most cited article published since 2010)

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “Imagining Thin: Why Vanity Sizing Works”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (4), 565-572.

Elder, Ryan and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “The “Visual Depiction Effect” in Advertising: Facilitating Embodied Mental Simulation Through Product Orientation“, Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (6), 988-1003. 

Morrin, Maureen, Aradhna Krishna and May Lwin (2011), “Is scent-enhanced memory immune to retroactive interference?“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, (3), 354-361. 

Lwin, May, Maureen Morrin, and Aradhna Krishna (2010), “Exploring the Superadditive Effects of Scent and Pictures on Verbal Recall: An Extension of Dual Coding Theory“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (3), 317-326. 

Krishna, Aradhna, Ryan S. Elder and Cindy Caldara (2010), “Feminine to smell but masculine to touch? Multisensory congruence and its effect on the aesthetic experience“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (4), 410-418. 

Krishna, Aradhna, May Lwin and Maureen Morrin (2010), “Product Scent and Memory“, Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (1), 57-67. 
(Discussed in New York Times, November 16, 2009, and many other publications.)

Elder, Ryan and Aradhna Krishna (2010), “The Effect of Advertising Copy on Sensory Thoughts and Perceived Taste“, Journal of Consumer Research, 36 (5), 748-756. 
(Discussed in Telegraph UK, July 22, 2009, ScienceBlog, PsychOrg, and other publications.)

Krishna, Aradhna and Maureen Morrin (2008), “Does Touch Affect Taste? The Perceptual Transfer of Product Container Haptic Cues“, Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (6),  807-818.  
(Featured on CBC Radio’s As It Happens 19 Mar. 2008, The Times (London) 22 Mar. 2008, LA Times 24 Mar. 2008, US News and World Report 10 Sep. 2008, US News and World Report 26 Oct. 2008, and other media.)

Krishna, Aradhna, Rongrong Zhou and Shi Zhang (2008), “The Effect of Self-Construal on Spatial Judgments“, Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (2), 337-348.

Krishna, Aradhna (2006), “The Interaction of Senses: The Effect of Vision and Touch on the Elongation Bias”Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (4), 557-566.

Krishna, Aradhna (2005), “How Big is Tall?”, Forethought, Harvard Business Review, 83 (4), 18-19.

Krider, Robert, Priya Raghubir and Aradhna Krishna (2001), “Pizza – Pi or Squared?: Psychophysical Biases in Area Comparisons“, Marketing Science, 20 (4), 405-425.

Raghubir, Priya and Aradhna Krishna (1999), “Vital Dimensions in Volume Perception: Can the Eye Fool the Stomach?“, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (3), 313-326.

Krishna, Aradhna and Priya Raghubir (1997), “The Effect of Line Configuration on Perceived Numerosity of Dotted Lines”, Memory and Cognition, 25 (4), 492-507.

Raghubir, Priya and Aradhna Krishna (1996), “As the Crow Flies: Bias in Consumers’ Map-Based Distance Judgments”Journal of Consumer Research, 23 (1), 26-39.

Health and Nutrition

Cian, Luca, Chiara Longoni and Aradhna Krishna(2020), “Advertising a Desired Change: When Process Simulation Fosters (vs. Hinders) Credibility and Persuasion”, forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research.

Jia, M. L., Li, X., & Krishna, A. (2020). “Contraction with Unpacking: When Unpacking Leads to Lower Calorie Budgets“. Journal of Consumer Research, 46(5), 853-870.

Krishna, Aradhna and Linda Hagen (2019), “Out of Proportion? The Effect of Leftovers on Eating-Related Affect and Behavior”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (special issue on Health in Context), 81, 15-26.

Hagen, Linda, Aradhna Krishna and Brent McFerran (2019), “Outsourcing Responsibility for Indulgent Food Consumption to Prevent Negative Affect”, Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, issue on Consumer Emotions in the Marketplace, April, Vol. 4 (2), 136-146.

Cornil, Yann, Pierre Chandon, and Aradhna Krishna (2017), “Does Red Bull give wings to vodka? Placebo effects of marketing labels on perceived intoxication and risky attitudes and behaviors“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 456-465​

Hagen, Anna Linda, Aradhna Krishna and Brent McFerran (2017), Rejecting Responsibility: Low Physical Involvement in Obtaining Food Promotes Unhealthy Eating, Journal of Marketing Research, August, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 589-604 (covered by Forbes, Jan. 6. 2017; Wall Street Journal, Jan. 6, 2017; Independent, UK, Jan. 16, 2017).

Cian, Luca, Chiara Longoni and Aradhna Krishna, “Advertising a Desired Change: When Process Simulation Fosters (vs. Hinders) Credibility and Persuasion”, forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research.

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “Imagining Thin: Why Vanity Sizing Works”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (4), 565-572.

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2011), “Guiltless Gluttony: The Asymmetric Effect of Size Labels on Size Perceptions and Consumption“, Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (6), 1095-1112.
(Discussed in Time Magazine Healthland, Globe and Mail, Science Daily).

Pricing and Advertising

Cian, Luca, Chiara Longoni and Aradhna Krishna(2020), “Advertising a Desired Change: When Process Simulation Fosters (vs. Hinders) Credibility and Persuasion”, forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research.

Lowe, Michael, Kate Loveland and Aradhna Krishna (2019), “A Quiet Disquiet: Anxiety and Risk Avoidance due to Nonconscious Auditory Priming”, Journal of Consumer Research, June, Vol 46, No. 1, pp. 159-179.

Cornil, Yann, Pierre Chandon, and Aradhna Krishna (2017), “Does Red Bull give wings to vodka? Placebo effects of marketing labels on perceived intoxication and risky attitudes and behaviors“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 456-465​

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Norbert Schwarz (2016), “Positioning Rationality and Emotion: Rationality Is Up and Emotion Is Down”, Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (4), 632-651.

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Ryan Elder (2014), “This Logo Moves Me: Dynamic Imagery from Static Images“, Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (2), 184-197. 
(Cited in HispanicAd, March 22, 2014, HighBeam research, March 6, 2014,, March 6, 2014,, March 6, 2014.)

Elder, Ryan and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “The “Visual Depiction Effect” in Advertising: Facilitating Embodied Mental Simulation Through Product Orientation”, Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (6), 988-1003. 

Wang, Yu and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “Enticing for me but Unfair to Her: Can Targeted Pricing Evoke Socially Conscious Behavior?”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (3), 433-442. 

Yuan, Hong and Aradhna Krishna (2011), “Price-Matching Guarantees with Endogenous Search: A Market Experiment Approach“, Journal of Retailing, 87 (2), 182-193. 

Ailawadi, Kusum, Jie Zhang, Aradhna Krishna and Mike Kruger (2010), “When Walmart Enters: How Incumbent Retailers React and How this Affects their Sales Outcomes“, Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (4), 577-593. (Featured by Insights from MSI Spring 2009. Earlier version published as a Research Report by the Marketing Science Institute. Finalist for Paul Green award for the paper which shows or demonstrates the most potential to contribute significantly to the practice of marketing research.)

Hall, Joseph, Praveen Kopalle and Aradhna Krishna (2010), “Retailers’ Dynamic Pricing and  Ordering Decisions:  Category Management versus Brand-by-Brand Approaches”Journal of Retailing, 86 (2), 172-183. 
(Honorable Mention, William Davidson award for best paper.) 

Krishna, Aradhna and Rohini Ahluwalia (2008), “Language Choice in Advertising to Bilinguals: Asymmetric Effects for Multinationals versus Local Firms“, Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (4), 692-70. 
(Cited in New York Times 14 Sep. 2008, Economic Times (India) 17 Sep. 2008, and other publications.)

Krishna, Aradhna and Utku Unver (2008), “Improving the Efficiency of Course Bidding at Business Schools: Field and Laboratory Studies”, Marketing Science, 27 (2), 262-282.

Yuan, Hong and Aradhna Krishna (2008), “Pricing of Mall Services in the presence of sales leakage“, Journal of Retailing, 84 (1),  95-117.  
(Honorable mention for the Best Paper of the Conference and Best Paper Award of Distribution Channels Track, Winter AMA Educator’s Conference, 2006.)

Krishna, Aradhna, Fred Feinberg and John Z. Zhang (2007), “Pricing Power and Selective Versus Across-the-Board Prices  Increases“, Management Science,   53 (9), 1407-1423.

Krishna, Aradhna and Yu Wang (2007), “The Relationship Between Top Trading Cycle and Chains Mechanisms“, Journal of Economic Theory, 132 (1), 539-547.

Krishna, Aradhna, Carolyn Yoon, Mary Wagner and Rashmi Adaval (2006), “The Effect of Extreme Price Frames on Reservation Prices”,  Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (2), 176-190. 

Wang, Yu and Aradhna Krishna (2006),Time-Share Allocations: Theory and Experiment, Management Science, 52 (8), 1223-1238.

Krishna, Aradhna and Joel Slemrod (2003), “Behavioral Public Finance: Tax Design as Price Presentation“, International Tax and Public Finance, Policy Watch section, 10 (2), 189-203.
(Cited in Business Week Online June 12, 2001, Financial Times Online April 17, 2002, Dallas News, aired on Michigan Radio, NPR Marketplace April 1, 2002.)

Krishna, Aradhna, Richard Briesch, Donald Lehmann and Hong Yuan (2002), ; “A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Price Presentation on Perceived Savings“, Journal of Retailing, 78 (2), 101-118. 
(Awarded the William R. Davidson Award for best paper to appear in the journal in 2002.)

Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna and John Z. Zhang (2002), “Do We Care What Others Get?: A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions“, Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (3), 277-291. 
(Lead article; finalist for the O’Dell award granted by the Journal of Marketing Research for the paper with the most significant long-run contribution to marketing; featured on NPR.)

Moreau, Page, Aradhna Krishna and Bari Harlam (2001), “The Manufacturer-Retailer-Consumer Triad: Differing Perceptions Regarding Price Promotions”, Journal of Retailing, 77 (4), 547-569.

Zhang, John Z., Aradhna Krishna and Sanjay Dhar (2000), “The Optimal Choice of Promotion Vehicles: Front-loaded or Rear-loaded Incentives?”, Management Science, 46 (3), 348-362.

Krishna, Aradhna and Z. John Zhang (1999), “Short-or long-duration coupons: The effect of the expiration date on theprofitability of coupon promotions“, Management Science, 45 (8), 1041-1056.

Krishna, Aradhna and Gita V. Johar (1996), “Consumer Perception of Deals: Biasing Effects of Varying Deal Prices“, Journal of Experimental Psychology:Applied, 2 (3), 187-206. 
(Lead article.)

Harlam, Bari, Aradhna Krishna, Donald R. Lehmann and Carl Mela (1995), “Impact of Bundle Type, Price Framing and Familiarity on Purchase Intention for the Bundle”, Journal of Business Research, 33 (1), 57-66.

Krishna, Aradhna (1994), “The Effect of Deal Knowledge on Consumer Purchase Behavior”, Journal of Marketing Research, 31 (1), 76-91.

Krishna, Aradhna (1994), “The Impact of Dealing Patterns on Purchase Behavior“, Marketing Science, 13 (4), 351-373.

Krishna, Aradhna (1992), “The Normative Impact of Consumer Price Expectations for Multiple Brands on Consumer Purchase Behavior“, Marketing Science, 11 (3), 266-286.

Krishna, Aradhna and Robert W. Shoemaker (1992), “Estimating the Effects of Higher Coupon Face Values on the Timing of Redemptions, The Mix of Coupon Redeemers and Purchase Quantity”, Psychology and Marketing, 9 (6), 453-467.

Krishna, Aradhna (1991), “Effect of Dealing Patterns on Consumer Perceptions of Deal Frequency and Willingness to Pay”, Journal of Marketing Research, 28 (4), 441-451.

Krishna, Aradhna, Imran C. Currim and Robert W. Shoemaker (1991), “Consumer Perceptions of Promotional Activity“, Journal of Marketing, 55 (2), 4-16.

Bawa, Kapil, Jane T. Landwehr, and Aradhna Krishna (1989), “Consumer Response to Retailers’ Marketing Environments: An Analysis of Coffee Purchase Data“, Journal of Retailing, 65 (4), 471-495.

Decision Making and Corporate Social Responsibility

Sokolova, Tatiana and Aradhna Krishna, “Pick your poison: Attribute trade-offs in unattractive consideration sets”, forthcoming, Journal of Consumer Psychology

Jia, M. L., Li, X., & Krishna, A. (2020). “Contraction with Unpacking: When Unpacking Leads to Lower Calorie Budgets“. Journal of Consumer Research, 46(5), 853-870.

Cornil, Yann, Pierre Chandon, and Aradhna Krishna (2017), “Does Red Bull give wings to vodka? Placebo effects of marketing labels on perceived intoxication and risky attitudes and behaviors“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 456-465​

Ellie Kyung, Manoj Thomas and Aradhna Krishna (2017), “When Bigger Is Better (and When It Is Not): Implicit Bias in Numeric Judgments”, Journal of Consumer Research, June, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 62-79.

Krishna, Aradhna and Tatiana Sokolova (2017), “A Focus on Partisanship: How It Impacts Voting Behaviors and Political Attitudes”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 537-545.

Wang, Wenbo, Aradhna Krishna and Brent McFerran (2017), “Turning off the lights: Consumers’ environmental efforts depend on visible effort of firms”, Journal of Marketing Research, June, Vol. 54, No. 3, 478-494 (Globe and Mail, September 23, 2016; CBC News August 30, 2016).

Tatiana Sokolova and Aradhna Krishna (2016), Take it or leave it: How choosing versus rejecting alternatives affects information processing”, Journal of Consumer Research, 43 (4): 614-635.
(We wrote an Op-Ed in The Coversation based on this article. The Op-Ed was carried by TheWashington PostThe Guardian, Quartz, The Wire, Salon and other publications and had more than 126,000 reads.)

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “Imagining Thin: Why Vanity Sizing Works”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (4), 565-572.

Krishna, Aradhna (2011), “Can Supporting a Cause Decrease Donations and Happiness?: The Cause Marketing Paradox“, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21 (3), 338-345. 
(Cited in Chronicle of Philanthropy, Media Post, Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Association of Fundraising Professionals Information Exchange).

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2011), “Guiltless Gluttony: The Asymmetric Effect of Size Labels on Size Perceptions and Consumption“, Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (6), 1095-1112.
(Discussed in Time Magazine Healthland, Globe and Mail, Science Daily).

Krishna, Aradhna and Uday Rajan (2009), “Spillover Effects of Cause-related Products in a Product Portfolio“, Management Science, 55 (9), 1469-1485. 
(Discussed in Boston Globe, Atlanta Journal, and other publications.)

Krishna, Aradhna and Rohini Ahluwalia (2008), “Language Choice in Advertising to Bilinguals: Asymmetric Effects for Multinationals versus Local Firms“, Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (4), 692-70. 
(Cited in New York Times 14 Sep. 2008, Economic Times (India) 17 Sep. 2008, and other publications.)

Brown, Christie and Aradhna Krishna (2005), “The Skeptical Shopper: A Metacognitive Account for the Effects of Default Options on Choice”, Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (3), 529-539.

Krider, Robert, Priya Raghubir and Aradhna Krishna (2001),Pizza – Pi or Squared?: Psychophysical Biases in Area Comparisons, Marketing Science, 20 (4), 405-425.

Krishna, Aradhna and Priya Raghubir (1997), “The Effect of Line Configuration on Perceived Numerosity of Dotted Lines”, Memory and Cognition, 25 (4), 492-507.

Meyer, Robert, Tulin Erdem, Fred Feinberg, Itzhak Gilboa, Wesley Hutchinson, Aradhna Krishna, Steven Lippman, Carl Mela, Amit Pazgal, Drazen Prelec and Joel Steckel (1997), “Dynamic Influences on Individual Choice Behavior“, Marketing Letters, 8 (3), 349-360.

Raghubir, Priya and Aradhna Krishna (1996), “As the Crow Flies: Bias in Consumers’ Map-Based Distance Judgments”, Journal of Consumer Research, 23 (1), 26-39.

Ackerman, Josh, Jenna Goesling and Aradhna Krishna, “Pain scales as placebos: Can pain scales change reported pain across measurements?”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88, 103961.

Product Design

Krishna and Aydinoglu (2019), The Power of Consumption Imagery in Communicating Retail-Store Deals, Journal of Retailing, December, 95(4), 116-127.

Cornil, Yann, Pierre Chandon, and Aradhna Krishna (2017), “Does Red Bull give wings to vodka? Placebo effects of marketing labels on perceived intoxication and risky attitudes and behaviors, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 456-465​

Krishna, Aradhna, Luca Cian and Nilufer Aydinoglu (2017), Sensory Aspects of Package Design”, Journal of Retailing, March, vol. 93, no. 1, 43-54.

Wang, Wenbo, Aradhna Krishna and Brent McFerran (2017), “Turning off the lights: Consumers’ environmental efforts depend on visible effort of firms”, Journal of Marketing Research, June, Vol. 54, No. 3, 478-494 (Globe and Mail, September 23, 2016; CBC News August 30, 2016).

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Norbert Schwarz (2016), “Positioning Rationality and Emotion: Rationality Is Up and Emotion Is Down”, Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (4), 632-651.

Shen, Hao, Meng Zhang and Aradhna Krishna (2016), “Computer Interfaces and the “Direct-Touch” Effect: Can iPads Increase the Choice of Hedonic Food?”, Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (5), 745-758.

Cian, Luca, Aradhna Krishna and Ryan Elder (2014), “This Logo Moves Me: Dynamic Imagery from Static Images“, Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (2), 184-197. 
(Cited in HispanicAd, March 22, 2014, HighBeam research, March 6, 2014,, March 6, 2014,, March 6, 2014.)

Krishna, Aradhna, Maureen Morrin and Eda Sayin (2014), “Smellizing Cookies and Salivating:  A Focus on Olfactory Imagery”, Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (1), 18-34.
(Cited in The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily, April 9, 2014, Michigan Radio, March 11, 2014, Michigan Radio interview, March 11, 2014, The StarPhoenix, March 4, 2014,, March 3, 2014, Samachar, March 1, 2014, Daily India Mail, March 1, 2014, The Hindu, February 21, 2014, Chicago Tribune, February 20, 2014,The New Indian Express, February 20, 2014.)

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2012), “Imagining Thin: Why Vanity Sizing Works”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22 (4), 565-572.

Aydinoglu, Nilufer and Aradhna Krishna (2011), “Guiltless Gluttony: The Asymmetric Effect of Size Labels on Size Perceptions and Consumption“, Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (6), 1095-1112.
(Discussed in Time Magazine Healthland, Globe and Mail, Science Daily).

Krishna, Aradhna, May Lwin and Maureen Morrin (2010), “Product Scent and Memory“, Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (1), 57-67. 
(Discussed in New York Times, November 16, 2009, and many other publications.)

Krishna, Aradhna, Ryan S. Elder and Cindy Caldara (2010), “Feminine to smell but masculine to touch? Multisensory congruence and its effect on the aesthetic experience”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (4), 410-418. 

Lwin, May, Maureen Morrin, and Aradhna Krishna (2010), “Exploring the Superadditive Effects of Scent and Pictures on Verbal Recall: An Extension of Dual Coding Theory”Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20 (3), 317-326. 

Krishna, Aradhna and Uday Rajan (2009), “Spillover Effects of Cause-related Products in a Product Portfolio“, Management Science, 55 (9), 1469-1485. 
(Discussed in Boston Globe, Atlanta Journal, and other publications.)

Zhang, Jie and Aradhna Krishna (2007), “Brand-Level Effects of Stockkeeping Unit Reductions“, Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (4), 545-559.

Krishna, Aradhna (2006), “The Interaction of Senses: The Effect of Vision and Touch on the Elongation Bias“, Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (4), 557-566.

Wang, Yu and Aradhna Krishna (2006), “Time-Share Allocations: Theory and Experiment”Management Science, 52 (8), 1223-1238.

Brown, Christie and Aradhna Krishna (2005), “The Skeptical Shopper: A Metacognitive Account for the Effects of Default Options on Choice”, Journal of Consumer Research, 31 (3), 529-539.

Feinberg, Fred, Aradhna Krishna and John Z. Zhang (2002), “Do We Care What Others Get?: A Behaviorist Approach to Targeted Promotions“, Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (3), 277-291. 
(Lead article; finalist for the O’Dell award granted by the Journal of Marketing Research for the paper with the most significant long-run contribution to marketing; featured on NPR.)

Kopalle, Praveen, Aradhna Krishna, and Joao Assuncao (1999), “The Role of Market Expansion on Equilibrium Bundling Strategies”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 20 (7),  365-377.

Raghubir, Priya and Aradhna Krishna (1999), “Vital Dimensions in Volume Perception: Can the Eye Fool the Stomach?“, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (3), 313-326.


Krishna, Aradhna (2021), “The need for Synergy in Academic Policies: A Focus on Pre-registration and an Introduction to the Dialogue”, forthcoming, Journal of Consumer Psychology (Introduction to a Research Dialogue I curated as the Dialogues Area Editor for JCP; not refereed).

Krishna, Aradhna (2020), “Privacy is a Concern: An Introduction to the Dialogue on Privacy”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, October, 733-735 (Introduction to a Research Dialogue I curated as the Dialogues Area Editor for JCP; not refereed).

Aradhna Krishna and A. Yeşim Orhun (2020), “Gender (Still) Matters in Business School“, Forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research.

Krishna, Aradhna (2020), “It Should not take a Funeral: An Introduction to the Dialogue on the Self-Control Construct”, January (Introduction to a Research Dialogue I curated as the Dialogues Area Editor for JCP; not refereed), 30(1), 178-180.

Krishna, Aradhna (2019), “How Brands Acquire Cultural Meaning: Introduction”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 29 (3), July, 517-518 (Introduction to a Research Dialogue I curated as the Dialogues Area Editor for JCP; not refereed).

Aradhna Krishna, Kelly B. Herd, Nilüfer Z. Aydınoğlu (2015), “Wetting the bed at twenty-one: Embarrassment as a private emotion”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (3), 473–486.

Krishna, Aradhna (2019), “Introduction to the Research Dialogue on Children and Persuasion”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 29 (2), April, 306-308 (Introduction to a Research Dialogue I curated as the Dialogues Area Editor for JCP; not refereed).

Krishna, Aradhna, Kelly Herd and Nilufer Aydinoglu (2019), “A Review of Consumer Embarrassment as a Public and Private Emotion”, Vol. 29 (3), July, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 492-516.

Lynch, John G. Jr., Joseph W. Alba, Aradhna Krishna, Vicki G. Morwitz and Zeynep Gürhan-Canli (2012), “Knowledge creation in consumer research: Multiple routes, multiple criteria”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22, (4), 374-485.

Krishna, A., Lee, S. W., Li, X., & Schwarz, N. (2017). “Embodied cognition, sensory marketing, and the conceptualization of consumers’ judgment and decision processes: introduction to the issue.” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2(4), 377-381. (not refereed)

Krishna, Aradhna (2016), “Another Spotlight on Spotlight”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26(3), 315-324 (Lead article).

Amaldoss, Wilfred, Teck Ho, Aradhna Krishna, Kay-Yut Chen, Preyas Desai, Ganesh Iyer, Sanjay Jain, Noah Lim, John Morgan, Ryan Oprea and Joydeep Srivasatava (2008), “Experiments on Strategic Choice and Markets“, Marketing Letters, 19, (3-4), 417-429.  
(Cited in New York Times 14 Sep. 2008, Economic Times (India) 17 Sep. 2008, and other publications.)